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Covid -19 Update 

The Government’s new traffic light system and double vaccination certificate has meant that Amberley Country Estate has systems and processes for residents and visitors to our village. 

We would like to assure everyone that Amberley Country Estate remains committed to keeping the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in our village to a minimum.
To ensure this, all visitors / contractors and suppliers must scan our QR code as they enter the village, contractors and suppliers at the Site Office and Visitors and the at the Village/Sales office. Please have your vaccine certificate handy. All visitors, including residents, who enter a village centre (dependent on the Alert Level the village is operating under) must also scan in or register at that facility and wear a mask. We have a sign in sheet if you don’t have a phone. 

Thanks to our prospective residents, staff, contractors and suppliers for their understanding and efforts to ensure the wellbeing of everyone in the village.

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